China and Cameroon: A Coorperation in the field of Meteorology

China and Cameroon: A Coorperation in the field of Meteorology

Récemment, la Chine a démontré sa solidarité vis-à-vis du Cameroun en faisant don d’un studio média. Cet important don d’une valeur d’environ 600 millions de francs intervient dans un contexte où la Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (DMN), est en pleine modernisation pour répondre aux exigences de la mondialisation dans une période de changement et de variabilité climatique planétaire.

This state-of-the-art equipment which was installed between Monday, 12th and Wednesday 21st June 2023 by an expert dispatched from China by the China Meteorological Agency will assist Cameroon disseminate timely accurate weather information and products to end users nation-wide, by specialists of DIRMET in lieu of other media organs.

It is important to note that this valuable gift, which is the lone Media Meteo Studio in the ECCAS Sub-Region, is one amongst other donations that have been offered by China to Cameroon recently, the other being a huge consignment of gifts comprising 8 Automatic Weather Stations, Upper Air Radiosounding Station equipments calibration machines for temperature, humidity, and pressure, Meteorological radios, etc amounting close to 8 billion francs, in 2015.

Pictures of the installation of the weather media studio at the National Meteorological Department

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